10 Secret Android Settings Blow Your Mind

Secret Android Settings That Will Blow Your Mind

Android smartphones come packed with features, many of which remain undiscovered by users. These hidden settings can significantly enhance your smartphone experience. From security enhancements to convenience features, knowing how to utilize these settings can transform the way you interact with your device. In this article, we will explore ten incredible Android settings that you should turn on right now to elevate your smartphone experience.

Biometric for Autofill

One of the most convenient features on Android is the ability to autofill login details using your fingerprint. This setting not only saves time but also enhances security. However, it’s crucial to secure this feature properly. If someone else picks up your phone, they can easily access your apps and websites using the autofill option.

To secure this, go to your phone’s settings, find the “Passwords and Accounts” section, and navigate to the autofill settings. There, enable the “Authenticate with Biometric” option. Now, every time you use autofill, your fingerprint will be required, ensuring that your sensitive information remains safe.

Flash Notifications

Flash notifications are a simple yet effective way to ensure you never miss an important call or message, especially in noisy environments. This feature makes your phone’s flash blink whenever you receive a call, providing a visual alert even when your phone is in silent mode. 10 Secret Android Settings

To activate this feature, go to your settings and look for the “Flash Notifications” option. Once enabled, you can also choose to have the screen flash as well. This feature can be particularly useful in crowded places or during meetings when sound notifications may not be ideal.

Turn On Wi-Fi Automatically

Many users frequently turn off Wi-Fi to save battery when out and about, often forgetting to turn it back on when needed. This common issue can be resolved by enabling the “Turn On Wi-Fi Automatically” feature.

To do this, navigate to your phone’s settings and find the option for “Automatic Wi-Fi.” Once activated, your phone will intelligently manage Wi-Fi connections and reactivate Wi-Fi when you are near a known network. This small change can greatly enhance your daily phone usage.

Auto Archive Apps

The Auto Archive Apps feature is a smart way to manage unused applications on your device. It automatically removes apps that you haven’t used in a while but keeps all your data intact. When you decide to reinstall the app, it will be just as you left it, with all settings and data preserved.

This feature is beneficial for freeing up storage space without losing any important data. To enable auto-archiving, go to the “Apps” section in your settings and turn on the feature. This simple setting can significantly improve your device’s storage management.

Reading Mode

For avid readers, the Reading Mode on your smartphone is a hidden gem. This mode transforms web pages and certain apps into simple text panels, making it easier on the eyes and reducing distractions. 10 Secret Android Settings That Will Blow Your Mind

You can customize Reading Mode according to your preferences, adjusting contrast, text size, and font style. Additionally, you can enable text-to-speech and control the narration speed. This feature can greatly enhance your reading experience, making it more enjoyable and less straining on the eyes.

Auto-delete OTP

With the rise of two-factor authentication, many users receive numerous OTP messages, cluttering their inboxes. The good news is that if you use Google’s messaging app, there’s a handy feature that automatically deletes OTP messages after 24 hours.

To set this up, open the messaging app, tap on your profile icon at the top, and navigate to “Messages Settings.” Look for the “Auto-delete OTP after 24 hours” option and enable it. This will help keep your inbox tidy and reduce the risk of sensitive information lingering unnecessarily.

Lock Incognito in Chrome

Your browsing privacy is paramount, especially when using Incognito mode in Chrome. To enhance your privacy, there’s a trick that allows you to lock Incognito mode, ensuring that your browsing activities are kept private.

Go to your phone settings, navigate to the accessibility settings, and find the option to lock Incognito mode. This will provide an extra layer of security, ensuring that your private browsing sessions stay confidential.

Extra Dim in Android

Are you tired of your phone’s screen brightness being too intense at night? The Extra Dim feature allows you to lower your screen’s brightness beyond the usual settings, making it easier on your eyes in dark environments.

To enable this feature, navigate to your phone’s settings and find the Extra Dim option. Once activated, you can adjust the dimness of your screen even further, providing comfort during nighttime usage. This can be particularly useful for late-night browsing or reading.

Call Recording Without Announcement

Many people find the announcement that a call is being recorded to be intrusive. Fortunately, there’s a way to record calls without such announcements. This can be particularly useful for those who want to keep their conversations private.

To enable this feature, open your phone app, go to settings, and look for the call recording options. There, you’ll find an option to play an audio tone instead of the usual disclaimer. Activating this will allow you to record calls discreetly.

Toolbar Shortcut in Chrome

For those who spend a lot of time browsing the web, customizing the toolbar shortcut in Chrome can greatly enhance your browsing experience. This customizable button can do more than just open new tabs; it can be set to perform various functions tailored to your browsing habits.

To configure this, go to Chrome’s settings and find the Toolbar Shortcuts option. Ensure it is enabled, and then customize it according to your preferences, whether it’s opening frequently visited sites or performing a voice search.


These ten Android settings are just a glimpse of the potential enhancements available at your fingertips. By turning on these features, you can significantly improve your device’s functionality, security, and overall user experience. Don’t miss out on these incredible settings that can make your Android experience truly exceptional.

Remember to explore your phone’s settings regularly, as manufacturers often introduce new features and updates that can further enhance your smartphone experience. Happy exploring!


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