How to Build an AI Salesperson 2024

How to Build an AI Salesperson in Just 10 Minutes

Imagine having a sales team that works tirelessly around the clock, never takes breaks, and always delivers results. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s achievable with the power of AI.

In this blog, we will explore how to create your own AI salesperson, covering everything from customizing the voice of your AI to crafting persuasive sales pitches. This guide will help streamline your business and boost your sales process, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Creating Your AI Salesperson

To start building your AI salesperson, the first step is to sign up for a platform that allows you to create a voice bot. In this guide, we’ll use Vapi, a user-friendly tool that requires no coding skills. Let’s break down the process into manageable steps.

Step 1: Sign Up for Vapi

Begin by clicking the link provided to create an account on Vapi. Use your Google account for a quick sign-up process. Once you’re in, you’ll see various templates to build your voice bot. Choose the blank template to create a custom AI salesperson.

Step 2: Set Up Your Bot

After naming your bot, it’s time to set it up. This involves entering a prompt that directs the AI on how to interact with leads. You can create a prompt manually or use a tool to generate it for you. By answering a few questions about your business, target audience, and the AI’s objectives, you’ll create a tailored prompt for your AI.

Step 3: Customize the Voice

Next, you need to select a voice for your AI salesperson. Navigate to the voice settings and choose a voice that sounds natural and engaging. Ensure that the AI voice is not overly robotic by adjusting the settings accordingly.

Step 4: Add Background Sounds

To make your AI interactions more realistic, add background sounds that simulate an office environment. This helps create a more immersive experience for the caller, aiding in engagement.

Step 5: Set Up an End Call Phrase

Every good conversation ends with a polite closing. Set up an end call phrase that the AI will use to wrap up conversations. This phrase can be customized to reflect your brand’s tone.

Gathering Leads with Your AI Salesperson

Now that your AI salesperson is set up, it’s time to gather leads. The next steps involve integrating a contact form on your website and automating the lead collection process.

Step 1: Create a Contact Form

Using a tool like Fillout, create a simple contact form that captures essential information from your leads. Keep it short and focused, ensuring you collect a phone number for follow-up calls.

Step 2: Embed the Contact Form on Your Website

Once your contact form is ready, embed it on your website. If you’re using WordPress, simply paste the provided HTML code into the desired page using a page builder like Elementor.

Setting Up Automation for Your AI Salesperson

With your AI salesperson and contact form in place, the final step is to set up automation that connects everything seamlessly. This will allow your AI to call leads automatically and collect necessary information.

Step 1: Create an Account on

Start by signing up for, which will facilitate the automation process. After creating your account, you’ll need to connect to your contact form.

Step 2: Connect with Fillout Forms

Integrate your Fillout forms with This step is crucial for ensuring that your AI can access leads collected through the contact form.

Step 3: Create an Automation Scenario

In, create a new scenario that initiates when a lead submits the contact form. This scenario should connect the AI salesperson to the automation process.

Final Steps and Testing

After setting up the automation, it’s time to test everything. Fill out your contact form on the website and watch as your AI salesperson makes a call to the provided number.

Evaluating AI Performance

Once the AI makes a call, evaluate its performance by reviewing the call logs and transcripts. This data will help you understand how well your AI is engaging with potential customers and where improvements can be made.


Building an AI salesperson can revolutionize your sales process, allowing you to focus on higher-level tasks while the AI handles lead interactions. With the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a functional and efficient AI salesperson in just 10 minutes. Don’t hesitate to explore this technology to enhance your business operations.

For more tools that can help you in your journey, check out GravityWrite for writing assistance and WebSpaceKit for easy website creation. These resources are designed to streamline your workflow and boost productivity.


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