How to Use Janitor AI for Free

How to Use Janitor AI for Free

Janitor AI simulated intelligence offers an imaginative method for making and cooperating with chatbots. This guide will explore how to utilize Janitor AI effectively, focusing on the integration with Kobold AI. By following these steps, you can experience the full capabilities of Janitor AI without any cost. Let, ‘s dive into the process!

Kobold AI and Its Significance

Kobold AI serves as a pivotal component in accessing Janitor AI functionalities. How to Use Janitor AI for Free bIt provides the necessary API that allows users to create and interact with their chatbots. Understanding how to set up Kobold AI correctly is essential for a smooth experience with Janitor AI.How to Use Janitor AI for Free

Getting Started with Kobold AI

To begin using Kobold AI, you need to access the Kobold API settings. This step is crucial as it lays the groundwork for your chatbot interactions. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Open your preferred web browser.
  2.  Search for Kobold Google Colab.
  3. You will find two optional
  4. Janitor AI for Free 2024

For optimal performance, it’s recommended to use the TPU edition. However, if you encounter issues, the GPU edition can serve as a substitute.

Setting Up Your Kobold AI API URL

Once you have selected the appropriate version, you will need to set up your Kobold AI API URL. Here’s how to do that:

  • Click on either the Kobold TPU or GPU link to open the notebook in Google Colab.
  •  If you are using a mobile device, run the designated cell to keep your session active.
  •  On a desktop, you can skip this step, but ensure you follow along with the setup.

Afterward, you will need to select a model for your chatbot. For this aid, we suggest picking the Janeway model over Nerys for better execution.

Configuring Your Kobold AI Settings

Once you have your model selected, the next step involves configuring your settings properly. This ensures that everything runs smoothly when you start chatting with your AI character.

Selecting the Right Version

When configuring your settings, you must select the correct version. It’s crucial to choose the “United” version, as selecting any other version may lead to complications with your API.

Using Google Drive (Optional)

If you wish to utilize Google Drive for saving your settings or chatbot interactions, you can opt to enable that feature. However, for this guide, we will leave it unchecked.

Executing the Setup

Now that you have configured all necessary settings, it’s time to execute the setup. Here’s what you need to do:

  •  Run the cell that you have configured.
  • Wait for the execution to complete.
  •  If using TPU, this

may take around 15 minutes; GPU users can expect around 5 minutes. Once you see the message indicating that model tensors have loaded successfully, you can proceed to the next step.

Accessing the Kobold AI Interface

After executing the setup, you will be able to access the Kobold AI interface. This interface is hosted on Cloudflare, providing you with a seamless experience.

Finding Your Kobold API URL

To interact with your chatbot, you will need to obtain your Kobold API URL:

* Click on the first link provided in the Kobold AI setup.
* Copy the URL from the interface that opens.

This URL is fundamental for associating your Janitor-simulated intelligence to the Kobold Programming interface. Glue this URL into the assigned Kobold Programming interface URL segment in your settings.

Troubleshooting Common Errors

As with any technology, you may encounter errors during your setup. One common issue is the error message stating, “max length must be greater than or equal to 1.” Here’s how to resolve it:

  1.  Navigate to the generation settings in your Kobold AI interface.
  2. Change the “Max new token” value to a number between 1 and 512. A recommended value is 505.

Adjusting this setting should eliminate the error, allowing for a smoother chatting experience.

Maintaining Your Kobold AI Session

To continue chatting with your AI characters, it’s important to keep your Kobold Colab notebook running in the background. Each time you wish to engage with a character, ensure that the notebook is active and that you’ve updated the Kobold API URL accordingly.

Final Tips for Using Janitor AI

Using Janitor AI through Kobold AI can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Here are some final tips to enhance your usage:

  •  Try different things with various models to track down the one that suits your requirements best.
  • Regularly check for updates or new features in Kobold AI.
  • Engage with the community for tips and share experiences.

By following these guidelines, you can maximize your experience with Janitor AI and Kobold AI, creating dynamic and engaging chatbot interactions.


Janitor AI, when paired with Kobold AI, opens up a world of possibilities for chatbot creation and interaction. By carefully following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to set up your system effectively and troubleshoot any issues that arise. Enjoy your journey into the realm of AI chatbots!


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